Man caught stealing a fake 1000 euro note

A man in Berlin, Germany was arrested for stealing what he thought was a 1000 euro note.

A fake 1000 euro note
Bystanders spotted the man breaking into a car which had the fake note casually lying on its dashboard.

The highest value euro note is the 500 euro note. The note which was stolen by this guy was printed as part of a promotional stunt and is worth absolutely nothing.

"He didn't realise that the largest denomination euro note is the 500 euro. The 1,000 does not exist - it was printed to show what people could win if they took up the firm's offer," a police spokesman said.

The 28-year-old thief from Bulgaria didn't realise the note was bogus. Police arrested him shortly after he broke into the car.

Posted in Crime & Law by Paul van der Maas

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