Category: Crime & Law
A nurse and her two cameramen were arrested after they filmed a porn movie at the Munich beer festival on the city's famous big wheel. The 21-year-old nurse and the two... Read more
The dog was looking for food for her newborn puppies when she reportedly saved a 2-week-old baby girl from a forest in Kenya. The dog found the baby in a forest south of the... Read more
Police have arrested a mother for allegedly baking her five-month-old baby in an oven, seriously burning the infant, media and officials said today. The child received second... Read more
A Panama-based internet company is being sued by Paris Hilton for $30,000,000. She claims that Kahatani Ltd. is responsible for releasing a video tape of her having sex with her now... Read more
The US army is investigating a picture of a 'US marine' who supposedly has been taken hostage in Iraq. They believe it might actually just be an action man doll. An Iraqi... Read more
A drunk Thai man was bitten several times when he tried to rape an unwilling dog. Police said the 33-year-old man had been drinking heavily with friends before he tried to rape... Read more
A dog is a man's best friend as the saying goes. Troughout the years dogs have saved mans life as well as helped track killers on the loose. We have taught them tricks as well as... Read more
A russian thief did not get far after he stole a car from a repair shop in southern Moscow without realising the car had no brakes. When the 24-year-old thief tried to get away... Read more
A Shanghai online gamer murdered a competitor by stabbing him to death because he had sold his friends cyber-sword. 41-year-old Qiu Chengwei, stabbed competitor Zhu Caoyuan... Read more