Paris Hilton to sue over internet sex tape

A Panama-based internet company is being sued by Paris Hilton for $30,000,000. She claims that Kahatani Ltd. is responsible for releasing a video tape of her having sex with her now ex-boyfriend, Rick Solomon.

Paris Hilton
Paris, who describes herself in the Los Angeles Superior Court lawsuit as an actress and model, is seeking $15,000,000 in punitive damages and a further $15,000,000 in actual damages. She claims the release of the video used illegal business practices, was a violation of her privacy and inflicted emotional distress.

She stated she intended to use the videotape for personal use only and never consented that it be shown to anyone else or distributed to the public.

Last November, Paris, her parents and her publicist were sued by Rick Solomon for $10,000,000. He said they slandered him by suggesting that he took advantage of her.

To see a few minutes of the video click here. Warning: this video is for adults only, as it contains pornographic material.

Posted in Crime & Law Entertainment Sex Life by Bas van Rijn

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