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Tattoo ad on forehead for $10,000

A mother had her forehead tattooed with the web address of a gambling site after auctioning off advertising space on her head to pay for her son's school fees. Karolyne Smith... Read more

Posted in Entertainment Business & Politics by Bas van Rijn
Swedish baby baked in oven

Police have arrested a mother for allegedly baking her five-month-old baby in an oven, seriously burning the infant, media and officials said today. The child received second... Read more

Posted in Crime & Law by Bas van Rijn

The ant always falls over on its right side when intoxicated. See more

Posted in Animals by Bas van Rijn
Sexually aroused horse causes death

A 24-year-old man was killed by a sexually aroused horse after he tried to calm the beast down. The twenty-four year old polish man Robert R. was bitten to death after he tried... Read more

Posted in Sex Life Animals by Matt Moerbe
Man superglues condom to penis to save on safe sex!

A Romanian man needed some help after his 'great idea' started to feel not so great. He had superglued his condom to his penis. The 43-year-old father-of-five told doctors he and... Read more

Posted in Sex Life by Paul van der Maas

Topless saleswomen are legal in Liverpool, England, but only in tropical fish stores. See more

Posted in Crime & Law Business & Politics by Paul van der Maas
The birds and the bees

A couple from Germany went to a fertility clinic to find out why - after eight years of marriage - they were still childless. The cause of their trouble conceiving was an unexpected... Read more

Posted in Sex Life by Paul van der Maas
Teacher asks students to masturbate

A biology teacher in Brazil is being sued for asking students to masturbate for a class project. The teacher asked three teenagers to provide sperm samples (in other words:... Read more

Posted in Sex Life Tech & Science by Paul van der Maas

Yemen, a quasi-failed state torn by civil war, had 54.8 guns per 100 people in 2007. See more

Posted in Crime & Law Tech & Science Business & Politics by Paul van der Maas brings you extremely weird news and odd, funny facts from all over the world. Have fun browsing!

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