Tattoo ad on forehead for $10,000

A mother had her forehead tattooed with the web address of a gambling site after auctioning off advertising space on her head to pay for her son's school fees.

Karolyne Smith with her logo
Karolyne Smith has to live with a permanent billboard on her forehead after she accepted's offer of $10,000 for the 'advertising space'. She needed the money to send her son Brady to a private school.

Karolyne said: ""I really want to do this. To everyone else, it seems like a stupid thing to do. To me, $10,000 is like a million dollars."

"I only live once and I'm doing it for my son. It's a small sacrifice to build a better future for my son."

Karolyne did not take the decision lightly. She discussed it for more than three weeks with her boyfriend Jeremy Williams.

Smith's eBay auction attracted more than 27,000 hits and 1,000 watchers. Bidding reached $999.99 before, an Internet gambling company met Smith's $10,000 asking price. also gave her another $5,000 for her trouble.

Another person, inspired by Karolyne is currently auctioning his forehead as ad space on ebay.

Aditional Information

View the eBay auction
Watch a video of the tattoo being applied (low / high).
Watch a video of karolyne with her logo (low / high)

Posted in Entertainment Business & Politics by Bas van Rijn

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