Aeroplane lands on busy road in Sao Paulo

An aeroplane has made an emergency landing on one of the busiest roads in the world's second biggest city Sao Paulo.

Joao Paulo I avenue
During a flying lesson, the small plane's engine broke down. The pilot had to make an emergency landing on Joao Paulo I avenue because there were no alternative places to put the plane down on the ground safely.

Fortunately there were no cars on the road and no-one other than the occupants were hurt when student pilot Gledson Gimaraes Teixeira landed the aeroplane.

People who were nearby heard the noise of the plane's landing and thought it was a terrorist attack.

When Gledson called his mother, Regina Helena de Matos Canto, to tell her what had happened she didn't believe him at first. She thought it was an April fool's joke.

Regina said: "it took a lot of talking for me to believe he was telling the truth".

Posted in Tech & Science by Bas van Rijn

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