Category: Crime & Law

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China is the source of 70% of the worlds pirated goods. See more

Posted in Crime & Law Other by Paul van der Maas

Until the 1960's men with long hair were not allowed to enter Disneyland. See more

Posted in Crime & Law Entertainment by Paul van der Maas

The average criminal sentence length is 137 years in Colombia. See more

Posted in Crime & Law by Paul van der Maas

In Lebanon it's legal to have animal sex, but only with female animals. Animal sex with males is a capital crime. See more

Posted in Crime & Law Animals by Bas van Rijn

The Chico, California, City Council enacted a ban on nuclear weapons, setting a $500.00 fine for anyone detonating one within city limits. See more

Posted in Crime & Law by Paul van der Maas

You can be imprisoned for not voting in Fiji, Chile and Egypt - at least in theory. See more

Posted in Crime & Law Business & Politics by Paul van der Maas

Duelling is legal in Paraguay as long as both parties are registered blood donors. See more

Posted in Crime & Law by Bas van Rijn

In ancient Egypt, killing a cat was a crime punishable by death. See more

Posted in Crime & Law Animals by Paul van der Maas

In Alaska, it is legal to shoot bears. However, waking a sleeping bear for the purpose of taking a photograph is prohibited. See more

Posted in Crime & Law Animals by Bas van Rijn

Every Swiss citizen is required by law to have a bomb shelter or access to a bomb shelter. See more

Posted in Crime & Law by Paul van der Maas

Two-thirds of the world's executions occur in China. See more

Posted in Crime & Law by Paul van der Maas

America puts many more of its citizens in prison than any other nation. See more

Posted in Crime & Law by Paul van der Maas

If a surgeon in Ancient Egypt lost a patient while performing an operation, his hands were cut off. See more

Posted in Crime & Law Health & Food by Paul van der Maas

In Switzerland, it's against the law to slam your car door. See more

Posted in Crime & Law by Bas van Rijn

Former enemies, America and Russia now have a great deal in common - they both lead the world in locking people up. See more

Posted in Crime & Law Business & Politics by Paul van der Maas

The penalty for masturbation in Indonesia is decapitation. See more

Posted in Crime & Law Sex Life by Bas van Rijn brings you extremely weird news and odd, funny facts from all over the world. Have fun browsing!

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